Discover the music of some of the world's best independent artists, songwriters and producers, pre-approved and ready to use in a digital media hub.
$1.00 ShopDiscover the music of some of the world's best independent artists, songwriters and producers, pre-approved and ready to use in a digital media hub.
$2.00 ShopDiscover the music of some of the world's best independent artists, songwriters and producers, pre-approved and ready to use in a digital media hub.
$20.00 ShopDiscover the music of some of the world's best independent artists, songwriters and producers, pre-approved and ready to use in a digital media hub.
$200.00 ShopSanto negro do riso de festa, de facho de luz no olhar, a tua alegria me empresta coragem pra perseverar. Se pouca esperança me resta, te ver faz-me revigorar. Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Preto Velho de tanta bondade, que bonito vê-lo jongar. Teu pé, onde pisa, milagre: um cacho de flor faz brotar. Candura que adoça o vinagre, vontade de te abraçar. Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Orum. Esse canto é pra te celebrar. Dou graça a Xangô e Oxum. Das senzalas de Minas pro mar. Preto Velho de sangue urucum, faz do meu coração jacutá. Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor Agradeço ao Senhor
Discover certified music from some of the world's best independent artists, songwriters and producers, pre-approved and ready to use for personal social media content.
Discover certified music from some of the world's best independent artists, songwriters and producers, pre-approved and ready to use for personal social media content.
Discover certified music from some of the world's best independent artists, songwriters and producers, pre-approved and ready to use for personal social media content.
Pre-approved music for production agencies creating digital and social content.